Dining : Dining table size

You can actually custom made you dining tables nowadays and there are no limitation on how big your dining tables you wanted to be. Expensive doh... lol

Also having a big dining table doesn't mean it's a great idea, for example... do you have to shout across the table to get the communication going? quite rude...

But let's step back a bit and look at the most common sizes of dining tables and how many people can be utilize in the space.

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760 | 2 People
900 | 4 People (Squishy)
1100 | 4 People
1500 | 8 People
1800 | 12 People

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*750mm is the absolute minimum to acquire a shared space, though it might feel cramped. It is recommended to achieve 900mm for a shared space. If you wish to create a non-shared space, a minimum of 400 mm is recommended. ie. long table counter, however there aren't enough space for a seating along W2 side.

Rule of thumb is to divide the individual W1 and W2 number by 600mm (individual's comfortable space) to check how many people can fit in the table and if it rounds up to singular number it will mean that there aren't enough breathing space around the person. ie. below

W1 = 1200/(600) = 2 (Very Tight),  W2 = 750/(600) = 1.25 (Tight)

For this example of "1.25", the numeral number (1) indicates the people count and the decimal number (0.25) indicates the available space around.

.0 ~0.24 = Very Tight
0.25 ~ 0.49 = Tight

0.50 ~ 0.74 = Comfortable
0.75 ~ 0.99 = Waste of Space

W1 x W2
600 x 900* | 2 People
1500 x 900* | 6 People
1800 x 900* | 6 (Comfortable) ~ 8 (Cramped) People
2100 x 900* | 8 (Comfortable) ~ 10 (Cramped) People
2100 x 1400 | 10 (Comfortable) People
2700 x 900* | 10 (Comfortable) People
3000 x 900* |  12 (Cramped) People
3000 x 1400 | 12 (Comfortable) People

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The Rule of Thumb, to calculate how many people can fit in the circular table use this formula.
Diameter x 3.14 /(Number of People) = 
This time its abit different. Remember that each person needs around 600mm space, which means if the calculation equals less than 600mm it shows tight space, if it's greater than 700mm try adding extra person in the calculation and if it's equal to between 600~699mm than you are in the good place. Example below.

1050 x 3.14 / (4) = 824 (A lot of space)
1050 x 3.14 / (5) = 660 (Enough space)
1050 x 3.14 / (6) = 550 (Very tight)

900 minimum | 4 People Max
1050 | 5 People Max
1200 | 6 People Max
1350 | 7 People Max
1500 | 7 (Comfortable) ~ 8 (Tight) people Max
1650 | 8 People Max
1800 | 9 People Max
2000 | 10 People Max

Hope this helps, and it really help me a lot.

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